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Skribentens bildmariawaxin

Intended Camera Movement

So much fun! Last week I discovered something called ICM, Intended Camera Movement, where you move the camera while pressing down the shutter and get the most dreamlike pictures. I could not wait to try it and went looking for my old cameras.

Here are my first attempts.

A painting in our dining room

There was normal afternoon light and I played around moving my Ricoh GR.

In the TV room, where our dog Jiemba has her guarding post from her couch in front of the window.

Lifted the camera in an upward movement while pushing the shutter.

Look at the light! Formed by my movement.

From the Orangerie.

A yellow flower in a pot.

From our dining room. A painting shot with experimental movements.

Love it! To be continued!

10 visningar


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