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Skribentens bildmariawaxin

Introducing Morning pages

It all started when my daughter Linda was accepted to Författarskolan, Writers school, in Lund and shared parts of her course litterature The Artist Way by Julia Cameron. Linda was enthusiastic about the method of writing 3 pages by hand first thing in the morning to release creativity. We bought the books and joined her in starting to write Morning pages. It was a perfect project for early cold and dark winter mornings, in front of a candle or a fire. The idea is to get out on paper, release, everything that is occupaying your mind to free i for creativity. For many it is also a tool to get to know your self and in the end The Creator.

For me it helped to start journaling. I actually started two journals; one creative, where I collect inspirational ideas and gather my created art pieces, and one spiritual, where I write about my very exciting journey in Restoration of all things and growing in my conciousness of Sonship to the Most High - The Way of co-reigning with our Messiah Yahshuah over the Creation.

Here I will start to share every week, Fridays, chosen parts of my journaling under the title Morning pages. It will be interesting for those who are, like me, searchers of hidden truths.

Ascension to the room of stolen crowns

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