I was driving 55 miles per hour, 90 km/tim. My teeth started to ache as the anesthesia my dentist had injected was loosing effect. I just wanted to go home as fast as possible when the scen in front of me quickly changes. Something is moving in the ditch to my right. The fur is darkgreyish brown and white. I realize that the big animal 9 feet, 3 m, from my car is on its way up on the road. Everything happens so fast. There is no time to hit the brakes. No time to pray. The collision with the elk is inevitable. I look straight into its eyes.
Then everything slows down. In slow motion I see the elk suddenly change direction and turn around, what appeared to be up in the air.
And disappear between the trees.
I passed in the same speed with my mouth wide open. It was a chocking encounter. I shook my head and started laughing. Not understanding what just happened. Or what did just NOT happen.
The collision. The deaths.
Just like that.
So unreal.
My timeline in this dimension is apparently longer.
My destiny scroll for this era still awaits fulfillment.